Saturday 22 January 2011

Holne to Dartmeet Saturday 22nd January 2011

Dave, Rich, Kat and Bob set off early this frosty morning to meet at a village near Ashburton called Holne for a challenging 8 mile walk that would cover moors, woodland, rivers etc.

Starting out at Holne village

Buckland Beacon on the horizon

The River Dart

Looking up to Mel Tor

Bob's impression of a mere cat!!  he saw some deer over the wall.

Looking across to Holne Moor

Summiting Sharp Tor

Top of  Sharp Tor, admiring the view

River Dart stepping stones at Dartmeet
 We were amazed that Bob could manage to cross these stones as he dislikes bridges and water.

Venford Reservoir

More of the reservoir

Return back to the village of Holne, with the Church House Inn in the background, unfortunately we didn't have time to drop in for a drink, maybe next time

1 comment:

  1. Good Lord Bob - you make a mighty fine meerkat.
    What amazing views.
    Well done intrepid Bob - those stepping stones look well scary.
    WHAT! No time for a drink ... this training lark really is getting serious!
    Mandy :O>
