Saturday 30 October 2010

Norsworthy Bridge, Burrator - Saturday 30th October 2010

After a busy morning, we decided we had time to go for a quick walk this afternoon. We drove to Burrator Reservoir where all the trees are changing colour.

Road towards Burrator

We parked the car at the top end by Norsworthy Bridge.

Work is being done to this side of the bridge.

Opposite the bridge is a footpath which leads beside the River Meavy. 

Not far along, we come to Leathertor Bridge

Leathertor Bridge - a clapper bridge

Conifers appear at the end of the path, planted between 1934 and 1936.

The view behind us was of Sharpitor and Leather Tor ( I think!)

Suddenly, we emerged from the forest, and could see Burrator Reservoir in the distance, with Down Tor opposite us.

Burrator Reservoir

Down Tor

The weather started to deteriorate, so we stopped to put on our packamacks, and headed  towards Down Tor.

However, as we came close to the bottom of the hill, we couldn't see any way to cross the river without getting our feet wet.  Bob went across anyway, and had an encounter with a ram.   see next few photos!
Who is crossing my bridge???  whoops, not me, says Bob

phew, that was close!

Get me outta here!!!

Walking along a small very muddy path, we found ourselves back down a path towards the car.

Oak trees beside the car park

The walk only took us an hour and a half, but it started to rain as we got back to the car. We are going on a longer, wetter tomorrow ( apparently)  Bob has developed a limp again this evening so he has his excuse for not coming along. He had an encounter with a ram, and found some fox poo to roll in.  Enough adventures for one weekend!!

Sunday 24 October 2010

Kingston, Near Modbury - sunday 24th October 2010

What a beautiful day!  Especially after yesterday when we had many heavy showers!

Just Dave, Bob and I today on this walk.  We  wondered whether Bob was up to it as he was limping quite badly on friday.  however, he had a lovely time as you will see.  ( He'll probably suffer for it tomorrow!)

We parked the car in front of the Church and near the Dolphin Pub.

This helpful plan is attached to the town hall wall, opposite the church.

Walking up the hill, we came to a sign to Wonwell Beach

Down this windy lane, the footpath crosses a field which looks out over Dartmoor and you can even see the new power station at Lee Mill.
This way....

Dartmoor to the right, Lee Mill to the left
Footpath cuts right across this field to a stile entering the woods

Bob is undecided !!!

 Wrinkle Wood leads down to Wonwell Beach beside the River Erme.

Wonwell Beach

 Bob aways goes mad when on sand and we tried to remind him he's an old man now, but he won't listen!

this old man doesn't need reminding!!!  only joking Dave..

We found the footpath again and headed up the cliff and some kind passerbys took this next picture of us overlooking the beach

Wait for me!!!!!

The hills were quite steep, but over the other side we could see Burgh Island at Bigbury

It was so sunny , with no wind.  we walked across the cliffs, and down a steep zig zag path to Westcombe Beach

Westcombe beach

At the bottom, we followed the path beside the stream
I don't have to put a caption on this photo - you can all read Dave's thoughts here!!!

The path beside the stream , yes, Dave has left me behind again!!!

Back towards Kingston -  can you see Bob??

The walk is 5 1/2 miles and we did it in 3 hours with a picnic break.  The Dolphin pub is very inviting when you return to the car, so we had to have a drink to celebrate!