Saturday 2 July 2011

Modbury - Devon Vintage Car Club am, and walk pm Saturday 2nd July 2011

Dave drove me to the display of classic cars in Modbury in his kit car.  The field was full when we arrived, but they managed to make room for us.  The event was to publicise a Lands End to John O'Groats drive by Mike and Ann Oakins in a Liege car based on a robin reliant in aid of St Luke's Hospice on 10th July.

Liege based on a robin reliant

Cars on display, with Dave with his in the middle

As the display was close to a public footpath, we returned in the afternoon, to follow a walk from the Plym Ramblers Book 3.  The walk starts from Runaway Lane where 2000 defending royalists ran away from the 8000 parliamentarians in 1643.

 We could not follow the directions and ended up having to walk back into Modbury on the main road!!

However, as this was the first walk we had done for a month, and it was very hot, so we were satisfied with a short one!!

  Modbury is the first town to ban plastic bags.

A double gate

A notice on the bridge asks if 4 wheel vehicles damage it, to notify someone!!

A stile at Cottlass farm

A view of Modbury with the moors beyond

Looking at the map again, I can see where we went wrong, but how we did is another matter!!  Bob was tired after this 3 mile walk!!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Dartmoor Classic bike ride - Newton Abbot to Tavistock and back

We got to Princetown to witness the arrival of the first riders from Newton Abbot.  A hot day, so not ideal.
Rich completed the 100 miles in 7 hours 30 minutes!!  Well done!!!
Some of the first riders at Princetown

Whoops, some riders coming in from the wrong end of Princetown!!

Rich having a break

Rich off on to the next phase

Following some riders across Dartmoor

Leathertor to the left

A back drop of Leathertor and Sharpitor ( I hope the riders appreciate the scenery!!)

A view of the surrounding countryside as we leave Dartmoor