Wednesday 1 December 2010

Saturday -4th December - Sponsored Walk at Saltram

Prince Rock Dog Training and Agility Club supported David by holding a Sponsored Walk around Saltram on Saturday 4th December 2010.  We are waiting for all the sponsor money to come in, but everyone was very generous, and we collected over £300 and more to come. thank you everyone.

David and Richard would like to thank everyone who came on the walk and especially Judith, Martin and Shadow who helped us man the marque.  Also the National Trust for allowing us to use their land.

Here are a few photos :

Dawn and family, Victor, Jennie, Lorraine, Maxine, Annabel, Angela, Dave and Rich

Kath, Judith, Carol and Pam

Kat, Rich, Dave, Kath and Kobi

Saint Nicholas called by to wish us luck!

Saltram House

Sunday 28 November 2010

Saltash and Lynher Valley - Sunday 28th November 2010

75 days to go before The Challenge!!!   See the website linked from here.

 I know Saltash is in Cornwall, but is connected so much to Plymouth via the Tamar Bridge, that we are including it here.

Although there had been a frost and it was cold, the sun shone today.  We set off at 11 and were following walk 15 in a book  'On the beaten rack' by the Plym Ramblers. Distance 7 miles. We parked the car in Saltash and set off.  We could see the Tamar Bridge and Brunel's Railway bridge from there.

We walked past some houses, down a hill, looked across and we could see the viaduct.
Combe Railway Viaduct, Saltash

The viaduct again further along the lane.
We then found a path leading upwards through housing estates, until we got to the top of the hill.

We looked back and you can just see snow on the moors in the distance
Walking through a few more residential roads, over a stile, we came across some fields from where we could see across to the Sound
We are now seeing Drakes Island and the Hoe

The River Lynher

The board gives information but not sure if you can read it?

Dave's happy, as we are on track!
From the fields, we walked past a church, and down this narrow lane

Heading down towards a village called Forder

Forder and its creek
Charming little village with its own private creek.
Anthony Passage
Along lanes, we came across this stunning view

The Old Jetty
Round the corner from the jetty, the path takes you up steep steps into a wood and from here, you have another view of the river
The farmer has constructed a fenced path across his field and joining the lane, we come to a stile over a gate, and then down to a stream leading to the trees below
Plantation of Trees
Down to a bridge, cross a stream and up more steep steps to a field and out onto the beech lined lane below which lead to Elm Gate
A robin followed us along this lane.  can you see him on the fence post ?
The walk then continued for a while on very quiet lanes, until we approached Burraton Combe.
Along lanes now, from Elm Gate towards Trematon

Burraton Combe with Saltash ahead

Grabbing some lunch, we set off down the hill towards Saltash

Eventually, we came across civilization again, and trudged back along the pavements to Saltash
Saltash Fore Street

Back to the car park.
Dave recorded 16370 steps which is about 71/2 miles.  We took 4 hours altogether.  The weather was cold , and the ground was frosty but we had so many layers on, we were as warm as toast.

The Route