Sunday 29 May 2011

Shaugh Prior and the Dewerstone - Sunday 29th May 2011

Just a few miles outside of Plympton lies the little village of Shaugh Prior and down the hill is the river and woods leading to the Dewerstone. Some people were climbing on the stone, and Bob was very interested in their lunch!

Steep path up the hill

You are here!!

River beside the Dewerstone

Climbers on the Dewerstone

Keep up barks Bob!!


  1. What a fabulous 'Laird of the Glen' pose again Bob.
    Dewerstone is a magical, mystical place.
    Hmph - steep paths are no friend of mine. We have taken to walking canal paths - not just for the gongoozling but because they are flat!

  2. I have fond memories of climbing the Dewerstone, with the Scouts; back when I was in Primary School, and the world was simple... it's nice to see it's still there ;-)

    Great pics, and Bob looks very handsome!
