Saturday 2 June 2012

Vintage Car rally at Killerton House - Sunday 27.05.12

The Devon Vintage Car Club certainly gets around!  We joined them at Killerton House together with other car clubs for the day.  Over 250 vehicles were there with entertainment and competition where the best cars were voted for.

The weather threatened rain, but although cold, it was dry.


This car was voted the best one.  The owner had spent 5 years making it, 6 months of which was spent polishing it!  I wonder if he's single????

Killerton House

Pam and Dave relaxing

View of the countryside from Killerton Gardens

Picture taken from inside the ice house
The Bear house -  the family once kept a bear in this little house
We drove to Exeter the scenic route from Plymouth  -  Tavistock, Okehampton and along narrow lanes to Killerton to avoid the rain that was threatening.

Back along the A38 on the way home was much quicker!!  Car performs very well!!!

Encounter with fierce chicken in South Brent

We had a very tasty meal here outside in the garden of the pub.  Bob was kept entertained by the cockrell who attacked the staff as they tried to serve customers!
Bob found this cockrell very interesting!!!!

Turtley Mill pub
 As it was such a lovely evening, we drove a couple of miles to South Brent and walked along by the river.  The last time we came here, there was snow on the ground. ( see previous blog)  Several huge trees have come down since then.

River         at South Brent
the stump left from a huge tree