Saturday 13 November 2010

Wembury, Nr Plymouth - Saturday 13th November 2010

This walk was suggested by Annie and Kevin who met us at the car park at Wembury at 12 o'clock.  The circuit took us inland across fields around Langdon Court Hotel, Down Thomas, Bovisand, Heybrook Bay and then back on the coastal footpath to Wembury.
Loads of surfers in the sea.

Heading inland

We took the footpath away from the sea

Obviously early on in the walk, as we look fairly fresh??

The ford had become a stream.

Kevin showing us how to cross in style! Bob is looking and learning!

This way folks!

We crossed a couple of fields, one where sweet corn had just been harvested and another in which the farmer had sewn clover to enrich the soil. 
These 2 stiles lead us back to Down Thomas

Jumping down onto the road

Avoided this field!
Plymouth Breakwater from Bovisand

The chalets have a fantastic view.  One for sale at an asking price of £155,000!! 
We stopped here to eat our picnic.

Heybrook Bay

The Mewstone

Dave and Kevin heading from Heybrook Bay
We left the footpath to cross the beach.  Loads of seaweed made the going very slippery. 

Bob found a ball and immediately wanted to play!

Wembury bay coming into view

Returning along the footpath, we can now see the end in sight

Having a well deserved cuppa at the end of the walk
We took 4 hours to complete this walk, but stopped for lunch overlooking the breakwater.
Dave's pedometer recorded a distance 10,000 strides equivalent to 5 miles.

Where are we going tomorrow?????

Sunday 7 November 2010

Saltram, Plympton - Sunday 7th November 2010

Dave still keen to do the training!  He set off with Bob from home, and I met up with him in the car park at Saltram 20 minutes later.  It only takes an hour to do the circuit around the grounds.

Saltram House

 The car park is full as you can see.  

Lots of different breeds of cows in this field
 It must be very wet here, as one cow was up to its belly in mud.

NT have been busy putting new signposts around the walk

The path leading to the beach

The tide is in today

An action shot of Bob and a little terrier who attached himself to Bob's neck!

The view beside the River Plym across to Sainsburys' sails and the A38

We are three quarters way round now and are coming up to the bird hide in a few more yards.

Blaxton Meadow
 We saw egrets here today
Not sure if you can  read this, I am too short to get a good shot of this!

Information about the birds on the Meadow.

Twitchers paradise

The field at the bottom of the hill

 From here is a steep hill back to the car park and is the most testing part of the walk!  Bec loves this bit, as she came down here on her bike once and discovered she had no brakes!!

The Duck pond outside the court yard area

It was 4 30 by the time we got back to the car and the NT shops were closed.
We do this walk regularly on a sunday afternoon.