Why am I doing this????

Hi there!  Teresa here.  Why am I doing this???  Well, my husband, David, was training to go to Everest Base Camp in February 2011 to coincide with his 60th birthday.  Rich, our son,went too.  They paid for their own travel costs but are raising money for 2 charities : Cancer Research UK and Motor Neurone Disease Association. see his blog via 'My Profile'.  amazing photos there.

As they needed to build up their fitness, they explored the lovely countryside of Devon and sometimes Cornwall and I thought I would record these walks as a blog to inspire them and anyone reading them, and also to serve as an album.  Of course, at the end of the training, I, too, was fit enough to go on the trip, but I had to stay behind to look after the dog.  sob sob.  please don't feel sorry for me.  I am getting my revenge here!!!

Well, they made it to base camp and had some fantastic adventures which can be seen in David's blog.
They raised over £4800. I am still recording our walks as we enjoy them so much. They don't have to be quite so arduous now, but there is so much to explore around this area.

I am also blogging for Devon Life, the local magazine on line, so follow the walks on there too.

I have caught the blogging bug, as there is a blog for the Prince Rock Dog Training & Agility Club which can be found via 'My Profile'  http://princerockdogtrainingclub.blogspot.com

Anyway, please post some comments, suggestions.. If anyone would like to join us on our walks, let me know.  I will try to give some advance notice of our plans.

So far, we have managed to end most walks near a pub that serves good food, and we hope to continue that!!

 Bye for now,

Teresa xx