Tuesday 12 October 2010

Cornwall = Trevone to Lifeboat Station

This was a very hot day, and all sensible people were sunbathing, surfing and relaxing!  However, the scenery is outstanding as I hope you will agree:

I spy the Lifeboat Station!

Harlyn Bay and Motherivy Bay

Lifeboat station

'What ARE you doing??' says Dave 'Reflecting on my lot' I say

Cornwall - St Anthony Head, Roseland Peninsula

I know , this is not in Devon, but I have some lovely photos of this walk that I would like to share with you.
By crossing via the King Harry Ferry, you get to The Roseland Peninsula and drive as far as you can until you reach a small car park.  The walk takes you round the coastal path and is described in the AA 50 Walks in Cornwall: Walk 29.

King Harry Ferry

View across to St Mawes on the right

Porthbeor Beach

Me trying to look enthusiastic!


Porthbeor Beach

 The sight of Porthbeor Beach is tantalising so you have to climb down the steep steps to walk along the sand.  After a rest for lunch, the steps seemed even steeper back up to the top. Then walking inland, you find St Anthonys Church and then a view of St Mawes and Pendennis across the water is breathtaking.

Monday 11 October 2010

Ivybridge - 25th September 2010

Dave and Bob went on this walk today early on saturday morning.

From the Ivy bridge in the town, walk up the hill following the river on the western side.  At Brunel's old railway bridge walk through the woods towards Pit Hill Farm, when you reach the higher ground you get a view of the Erme valley.  

Dropping down the other side of the hill, you pas through this old lane and then on to Harford. 

The church is worth a look.  Follow the road through Harford and backdown to Ivybridge.  Past Lukelands, where Hounds of the Baskervilles was filmed

Lustleigh Cleave - Saturday 2nd October 2010

Plan of walk

We managed to entice Pam, Rich and Kat to join us on this walk.  heading out of Lustleigh up a narrow lane, we eventually found the start of the footpath.  it was wedged between 2 hedges and was very very steep.  the  photo above of Dave and Rich posing as wheres wally?  is what you see nearly at the top.  but the view when you reach the summit, is spectacular and well worth the climb.  you can see for miles.  the route is used by mountain bikers which seemed rather a difficult way to enjoy the countryside as its rough in places. half way through the walk, we encountered a tricky footpath, across moss covered boulders of a river!  we just gritted our teeth and went for it.  The dog got half way across and decided it was too dangerous.  however, when he was the last one to cross he decided he would have a go, and flung himself across and was very pleased with himself.  after that, a long steep path through a wood, led us back to the beginning.  we then had to treat ourselves to a delicious lunch at the Lustleigh Cleave pub.  highly recommended!!

Buckland Monachorum

Hi, this was another walk from the Walks in the Dartmoor National Park No 2 p44. 

We parked in front of the church and headed up the hill and on the other side of the road through a new housing estate ( ie 1970's) where the footpath lead to a muddy path through a working farm. trudging on, we marched across fields and down to a river and a weir.  The walk was about 3 miles. the last mile seemed to go on forever up a very steep road, but no pain, no gain. hey!ho!  had to stop often to appreciate the view...

HORRABRIDGE - Sunday 10th October 2010

Hi,  we picked this walk from Walks in the Dartmoor National Park No 2 p46.

Parking in Horrabridge and walked up to the Old Station where the footpath is signposted and leads up to Roborough Downs.   Here are some photos.  Half way round we found a poster with Drake Trails and this shows the route much clearer.  The walk was full of variety with plenty of hills to climb ( good for the old heart muscles!)

Start at Old Station

Dave and Bob ready to go!

a seat not to be sat upon!

Roborough Down

rough path down to car park and bridge
Rough man  and his dog

railway line

Magpie Viaduct

view from magpie viaduct to Grenofen