Tuesday 31 July 2012

Lustleigh, Near Bovey Tracey - Sunday 29th July 2012

A sunny sunday lunch at The Cleave, at Lustleigh and then a walk around the countryside around the village was a perfect day!

Lustleigh has so much :  pub, tea rooms, thatched cottages,a church, lots of character and nature walks with huge boulders dotted in strange places..

Menu included, duck, rabbit stew, loin of pork and cesear salad!!! mmmmm

May Queen chair perched on a huge boulder

stone bridge over stream

Sunny summer evenings

Taking advantage of a beautiful sunny evening last friday, Dave got the kit car out and we drove over the moors to have a drink at the Royal Oak at Meavy. 

On the way back I took this photo of Dartmoor ponies and their foals at rest with Sheepstor in the background.  Does it get any better than this????