Monday 16 July 2012

Thurlestone to Hope Cove - Sunday 15th July 2012

At last a sunny day in July and it is St Stithian's Day, so we are all hoping the rain has decided to stop???

A couple of weeks ago, we had travelled the roads around Bigbury, Averton Gifford, etc in the kit car and on the way had stopped to admire the view of Thurlestone Bay from a car park perched on the cliff.  Today, we would make the most of the fine weather and attempt a bit more of the SW coastal path. The path was very well defined and the route easy.

View from the car park
Dave managed to walk across this wet patch  before it turned into a river!
The alternative route across the sands   ( see video of Bob later!!)

Thurlestone Sands

The rocks are called The Books

The Footpath can be seen up the hill

Hope Cove

Dave and Bob on the sea wall at Hope Cove

The south west coastal path was well used today!
Bob had a nerve racking journey back along the wooden bridge - see video below