Saturday 20 November 2010

Mothecombe to Stoke Beach Saturday 20th November 2010

This was a 2 car adventure!  We parked Dave's car at Stoke Beach and then drove to Mothecombe in my car with the intention of walking along the coastal path between the 2 cars.  One thing I should say is that if you decide to do this, remember to take the car keys with you of the first car.  will say no more than that, other than we ate our sandwiches back in my car, from where we took this photo of a rainbow

 Anyway, Mothecombe is on the other side of the Erme River.  (See the walk we did at Kingston for the route on the other side.)
The road leading down to Mothecombe Beach.  You can see Wonwell Beach in the distance.

Mothecombe Beach and the Erme Estuary

View out to sea from Mothecombe Beach

Bob got tangled up in this stile
He's free!!!

View across to Wonwell Beach
 After walking over Owen's Hill, you come to a secluded beach
Well, it was secluded until we turned up

yes, Bob we have to go up that hill!!
The coast stretches before us

Bugle Hole
Bugle Hole and Battisborough Island
Come on!!!

Across this corn field, we can see Anchorite's Rock

The sheep are paying attention! (best to double click on this to see more detail)

St Anchorite's Rock

The post opposite St Anchorite's Rock.  I don't know why I'm looking so pleased.
Dave might have pulled a funny face or made some comment.......
Oh yes,  I see now

Thought we saw a fox here.  Had to have Bob on a lead 'cos of sheep in the field

Stopped to admire the view

The climb up this hill was truly tough.
This photo makes it look like a flat field.
In fact it was almost vertical and I am not climbing it ever again!!!!!
2 good things though.
1.  Dave and I weren't puffed at the top as you would expect
and 2. the view was stunning
This is what was at the top of the hill.
You can just make out the caravans at Challaborough

Challaborough and Stoke Beach in sight.
Light is fading fast and its only 4 o'clock

Back at the car park at Stoke Beach.  Almost dusk.

Sun  setting
 Dave recorded 13,000 km , nearly 6 miles.  It was quite an arduous walk as it was very steep in places.
It got dark very quickly so we were pleased we got back to the car in time. Then we had to drive back to Mothecombe to pick up my car.

Monday 15 November 2010

Saltram by a different route - Sunday 14th November 2010

The rain would not stop today! Pam had joined us for the day and then we had a lovely surprise visit from Cynthia, so we didn't set off til 2 o'clock.  The rain had stopped by then, so we decided not to subject Pam to a gruelling walk, but an alternative one around Saltram.

Dave set off, again from home, and we drove up and met him.
Well, he had to find us in the NT shop!?
Would you believe it?  I forgot to take my camera, so the ones here are taken by Dave on his phone.  I did take some on mine, but can't find the lead to extract them!

We headed uphill towards the pillars towards Stag Lodge from where you can see the sea.

The path leading down through the wood from Stag Lodge
 The path then joins the normal route round the grounds.  The tide was out today.

View of Embankment Road and the river.  The sun came out!

The tide was out and the birds were making the most of it!

Wet weather gear from Hawkeshead!

The sky turned red and blue as Dave and Bob walked home.

  I would have given them a lift but the dog was really muddy!