Saturday 21 January 2012

Gutter Tor and the War Horse Guided Walk - Saturday 21st January 2012

The Dartmoor National Park Authority held a walk at the main locations used by the film director Steven Spielburg last year.  Liz lead the walk up to Gutter Tor and down to Ditsworthy Warren Farmhouse. Unfortunately, the weather was very wet and misty so the quality of the photos are not good.  The film was filmed on Dartmoor in great secrecy and given the code name Dartmoor.  We could not believe this had gone on under our noses and we didn't have a clue!  To top it all, we walked in the area on August bank holiday and there was no sign that they had been here!!

This photo is taken from the top of Gutter Tor and the lone tree in the centre is where Albert was flung over the wall when Joey refused to jump it.

The trees surround the scout hut

An unfinished cross is leaning to the right. this was recently discovered by some Plymouth University students.  In the foreground, is a stone with a circular impression.  This would have been used for milling flour.

Rabbits were bred on this part of the moor for food.  This wall leads predators towards the large stone at the back where a trap was laid to catch them

The famous gate and the farmhouse. 

The field which was ploughed and the trees where the father sat

The rear of the house where mother pegged out her washing

The tree ( to the left) where Albert sat when he whistled for Joey to find him
It was a very interesting walk, just a pity the weather wasn't a bit kinder!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Bagga Tor, Lynch Tor and Standon Hill - Sunday 15th January 2012

Martin Hesp wrote an article last friday in WMN on Bagga Tor, so inspired by that, we decided to explore the area for ourselves.  Driving through Tavistock, and then Peter Tavy, we eventually came to a gate leading onto the moor.  The views from here are amazing:

Bagga Tor is immediately adjacent to the car park, and further views of the surrounding area reveal themselves:
Bagga Tor

View of Nat Tor and Ger Tor from Bagga Tor

View of Staddon Hill on the left and Baggator Brook from Bagga Tor

A long walk up to Lynch Tor
It was very cold and windy, but a lovely day for a walk.  The route up to Lynch Tor was very steep indeed.

Lynch Tor

The view from Lynch Tor, with the South Common Plantation and Bagga Tor

View from Lynch Tor looking towards Staddon Hill
The route to Staddon Hill was very boggy and hazardous!  We thought if we went higher, it would be better, but if anything, it was worse.
Not to be recommended!!
So onto Staddon Hill with its rocks and buildings.  A very cold extremely windy place to be!
Standon Hill

Staddon Hill with the shadow of a building!
From then on, it was downhill, and across footpaths by Brousentor Farm and back to the car.

View of Nattor Down across the valley from the top of the path from the farm track
The walk had some spectacular views as you can see.