Saturday 8 January 2011

Saturday 8th January 2011 Yes Tor, Cranmere Pool and Amicombe Hill

Dave, Rich and Bob on this 12 mile moderate / hard walk.  A tough walk with spectacular views.

Starting from Meldon Dam Car Park, Rich looks fit & ready to go
Walking across the bridge over the dam

Meldon Reservoir

Starting the walk up Longstone Hill, my excuse for stopping half way up this lung-burster was to take this photo

Top of Longstone hill (412m) with the military flag pole on top.  This is an army firing area, we're ok today, there's no red flag flying

Moving on to Yes Tor

Yes it's still Yes Tor

'Stop taking photos, let's get on with the walk'

'Yippee we're moving now!'

More & more Moor

3/4 km further on is High Will Hays, this is the highest point in the south of England (and of course the moor) at 621m - Base camp Everest is 8 x higher than this!

The top of High Willhays

Bob finds a sheeps leg - very happy now!

On towards Cranmere Pool

A lack of photos for the next section as it was blowing a blizzard for 40 minutes

Looking northwest to Amicombe Hill

Returning towards West Oakment valley

Final walk back, last couple of miles, sun setting at 4.45

Sunday 2 January 2011

Saltram again - Sunday 2nd January 2011

Have to keep up the training!!  so Dave, Teresa and Bob set off at 3 to walk to Saltram again.  Haven't taken any photos this time as we have been there so often!   see previous walks. ( 7th and 14th November 2010)  No snow this time, just a sprinkle of rain every now and again.  Still, it was still 5 miles according to the pedometer, so it all counts.

Dave and Rich are off to Snowdonia on friday for a camping training weekend with folks who will be on their expedition.  A true test to see if they are really any fitter after all these walks!!   I know I am!!!

Well, the latest on the Snowdonia trip is that it has been cancelled due to lack of interest and the weather forecast for snow!  Hope it doesn't mean Dave and Rich are the only ones taking the training seriously!

A longer walk over Dartmoor is scheduled for this weekend then............