Sunday 20 November 2011

Bowerman's Nose and Jay's Grave - Sunday 20th November 2011

At last the weather was dry and sunny, so we set off on the long awaited trip to see Bowerman's Nose.  By driving to Bovey Tracey, then taking a left past Becky Falls, the narrow road winds through moorland to Manaton. This small village boasts a huge church which can be seen from all around on the climb up to Hayne Down.

A car park next to the church and village green is a good starting point

The view of Hayne Down from the car park with a glimpse of Bowerman's Nose

The path up on to the Down

On the top of Haynes Down with the church in the middle

On the top of Haynes Down with Hound Tor in the background
Huge collection of rocks on Hayne Down!

More rocks piled on top of one another!  but where is Bowerman's Nose???

Ha Ha, there it is!!

Bowerman's Nose
Legend has it that Bowerman ( a Norman Hunter) knocked over a witch's cauldron while out hunting with his dogs.  The next time he went out, a witch transformed into a hare and he chased her until he fell off his horse, exhausted, in the bog.  She then turned him to stone.

Looking back to Bowerman's Nose on the way to Jay's Grave

The path then leads onto Jay's Grave, across a few fields, and the grave lies at a cross roads.  Kitty Jay was a young girl who fell in love with a farmers son, and finding herself pregnant and realising she would be abandoned, took her own life.  As a suicide, she could not be buried in sacred ground, but was buried at the crossroads where the Devil could not reach her.  There are always flowers on the grave.

Jay's Grave

Bridlepath to Natsworthy Gate

Hound Tor and Haytor in the mist

The sun's rays are highlighting the village of  Widecombe in the Moor
We retraced our steps as the days are getting shorter.  We will explore Hound Tor and Haytor another day!