Sunday 16 October 2011

Yealm Steps nr Cornwood - Sunday 16th October 2011

Annie, Kevin, Dave, Bob and Meg and I decided on a circular walk at Torr, past Cornwood.  The road ends by the entrance to SWWA water treatment works and a gate.  We skirted the Harrowthorn Plantation and the steep slopes of the River Yealm and Dendles Wood and Waste, spying the waterfall called Yealm Steps near the source of the river.  From this viewpoint, we could see down the valley to the Sound.

 We returned to the car via Stall Moor and Stalldown Barrow, to watch some hot air balloons making their accent in the early evening.

The view towards Harford

Harrowthorn Plantation

The Yealm Steps in the distance
We walked along the edge of the moor which was quite steep.  To our left is the wood and the river is down in the valley
It was further than we thought!
The Waterfall.  The source of the yealm is a mile further inland.

The view from the waterfall down the valley

From here we decided to walk up onto the top of the moor and back to the car. 

The view from the top of the moor over the valley and beyond.  The waterfall is to the extreme right ( out of sight!)
We can just see the balloons
Hot air balloons , 2 in the air and one about to go!
We can certainly feel the seasons changing, the quality of the photos are not so good either!!


  1. Hey Teresa & Dave,

    What wonderful walks. Wish we could tag along. Fun to have seen the hot air balloons. And the vista with sheep skull was atmospheric!

    Love, Victoria (Stone)

  2. I reckon you took some good photos...its just the light quality is different - it reflects the season. I thought the first one was quite brooding and the waterfall one very textural.
    Ooooo what did Bob do to the sheep!
    XXX Mandy =O)
