Sunday 13 November 2011

Dartmeet - Sunday 13th November 2011

As we drove from Plympton to Princetown and over the moors, clouds were sweeping across the sky preventing the sun from coming out. We decided a walk up to a Tor would be fruitless so instead we planned a walk at Dartmeet. There is a good size car park with toilets, a shop and tea room.  The river was quite swollen and canoeists were making the most of the river. There are two public footpaths from the car park.  one along the bank of the River Dart and one to Yar Tor.

Dartmeet Bridge with a Clapper bridge in the foreground

Public footpath runs along the bank of the River Dart

The path ( to the right) leads uphill to Yar Tor
The ground was quite wet and a lake had formed inland.

The path became more and more difficult to navigate.

The Little Newtake Plantation on the other side of the hill

The Clapper Bridge at Babeny
The route then continued on the road as several fields contained large cattle and I didn't really want to disturb them.  The clouds descended again and the walk became a bit of an ordeal!!
This is Yar Tor !
 We followed the road past Corndon Down on our left side and Yar Tor on our right.
Ahead loomed  Sharp Tor

Hut Circles on Yartor Down

My Merrell walking shoes had let in water while on this walk, I had had them about a year.  On the way home we called in on the shop I had bought them in Ashburton to enquire how long were they guaranteed. To my surprise the shop keeper took my shoes to return to the manufacturer and gave me a new pair. That's what I call service!!