Monday 11 October 2010

HORRABRIDGE - Sunday 10th October 2010

Hi,  we picked this walk from Walks in the Dartmoor National Park No 2 p46.

Parking in Horrabridge and walked up to the Old Station where the footpath is signposted and leads up to Roborough Downs.   Here are some photos.  Half way round we found a poster with Drake Trails and this shows the route much clearer.  The walk was full of variety with plenty of hills to climb ( good for the old heart muscles!)

Start at Old Station

Dave and Bob ready to go!

a seat not to be sat upon!

Roborough Down

rough path down to car park and bridge
Rough man  and his dog

railway line

Magpie Viaduct

view from magpie viaduct to Grenofen

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