Saturday 5 November 2011

The Changing season at Plymbridge Woods Saturday 5th November 2011

Autumn has come quickly this year and I wanted to capture some of the beauty of the woods.  However, we did start our walk rather late in the day as it is getting dark early now as the clocks went back last weekend!

Sunday 30 October 2011

Roborough Down, Nr Yelverton, Devon - Sunday 30th October 2011

The weather forecast was more hopeful than it was in reality.  As Bob the dog became more anxious to get out for a walk, the mist seemed to descend more!  We relented and took him on the first part of Roborough Down, close to the main road out to Yelverton, so we couldn't get lost.
The road runs beside the Down

We are on Dartmoor National Park!

I think this is the remains of Drake's Leat

Trees have grown in the leat

Not many people or animals around, they were all sensible and were tucked up at home with a nice cuppa!!