Sponsored walk 4th December 2010 - Result!!!!

Prince Rock Dog Training and Agility Club supported David by holding a Sponsored Walk around Saltram on Saturday 4th December 2010.  We are waiting for all the sponsor money to come in, but everyone was very generous, and we collected £440 . thank you everyone.

We decided to give half £220.00 to the local Motor Neurone Disease Association.  Nat West have given us an outsize cheque and we are meeting photographers at Saltram this friday at 2 to do a presentation!  An article did go in the local rag before Dave and Rich depart on the 11th February. It made the front page and continued on the second!!

Sarah Hampton of MNDA , David Bob and Stephen Holley of National Trust

David and Richard would like to thank everyone who came on the walk and especially Judith, Martin and Shadow who helped us man the marque.  Also the National Trust for allowing us to use their land.

Here are a few photos :

Dawn and family, Victor, Jennie, Lorraine, Maxine, Annabel, Angela, Dave and Rich

Kath, Judith, Carol and Pam

Kat, Rich, Dave, Kath and Kobi

Saint Nicholas called by to wish us luck!

Saltram House