Sunday 16 January 2011

Fernhill and Hemerdon - Sunday 16th January 2011

Dave and Bob set off early from home as it was forecast to rain later.  Walking through Colebrook, and Kay Close, they took the road towards Newnham Park and along the old miners track beside Fernhill.  Bob disturbed some deer but they were too fast to be caught on camera! The walk was about 8 miles and it just started to rain as they headed home.  Bob was black with mud and is now asleep on someone's bed!!!

Tory Brook

Old Miners Track made out of slate.  All up hill from here!

Newnham Park

Fernhill Wood

Galva Mine Chimney
 Hemerdon Mine  produced tungsten in 1867 but was closed in 1944.  Due to increase in the price of ore, the mine is likely to be reopened soon
View from Portworthy across to the quarry and the Moor beyond

Back down lanes with the quarry in the middle

Lee Mill china clay processing plant

High point at Hemerdon  

1 comment:

  1. Grand to hear the mine might be reopening.
    Bob must learn the difference between beds and towels!
