Saturday 27 November 2010

TWO MOORS WAY - SATURDAY 27th November 2010

Today we decided to start early and follow a walk by Martin Hesp.  Parking in Ivybridge we would walk up to the Moor, and follow the Two Moors Way via Western Beacon, Butterdown Hill, to Hangershell Rock and back along the track.

Stowford Mill

 Its a steep climb out of Ivybridge

From the road, an inticing view of Western Beacon
After climbing through steep lanes we come to a gate onto the moors

Its all up hill!!

Looking back onto Ivybridge

On top of a pile of stones at Western Beacon

You can imagine the cold, the fierce wind and the noise from the expression on my face!!

Black Pool (Don't see the illuminations!)

 Boundary stone and my shadow

Butterdon Hill in the distance

 Butterdon Hill with the Ordinance survey point

Bob trying to eat some ice

The path stretched before us, snow on the ground and the wind whistling all around us

Fantastic Views

Real Snow

Hangershell Rock in the distance

This was a circle of stones with a crater inside. 

Hangershell Rock
Hangershell Rock

Butterbrook Reservoir trees can be seen

Heading back along the old Red Lake tramway where a train called Puffing Billy used to ply its trade.
Listen Class - MW stands for Moors Way (Or 'Me Wonderful')

If you really want to know what Bob has in his mouth - solid horse poo!!! - lovely - but he is a dog!!

These lovely cows had such thick coats, needed for a day like today.  We are a shadow of our former selves

Yes, Dave, we have been for our consitutional today!!
Dave recorded 11568 steps on his pedometer which he says is about 6 miles.  I don't care really.  All I know, is its warmer down here in the valley and I need a hot cuppa!!


  1. Wish we could join you. Your photos are wonderful and make me long to be in Jolly Old again. I am quite impressed with your summoning snow to get you in the mood for Everest, and for your cleverly organizing arduous walks with a pub crawl afterwards. Again, wish we could be there. Glad we can finally access your site.
    Love, Vicki (Stone)

  2. Oh my yes, Teresa, your frozen face did speak a thousand words ... and no wonder you couldn't write them!
    I think MW stands for Mighty Woofer - although Bob I have to say you let yourself down a bit with the frozen horse poopy - but the video was so funny we forgave you.
    Another 'calendar' picture with Real Snow - beautiful.
    Mandy :O>
