Sunday 31 July 2011

KIngston towards Bigbury - Saturday 30th July 2011

We thought we would walk towards Bigbury from Kingston this time.  The weather was hot and we haven't been on a long challenging walk for some time, so we were out of condition for the steep climbs up the cliffs!


The path to Westcombe beach

You can see the steep path up the cliff towards Wonwell Beach

The way upwards and onwards

Westcombe Beach

Ayrmer Cove
We climbed up another very steep cliff to get a view of Bigbury bay.  We were puffed by then and decided we would walk inland to Ringwell from here. 
Bigbury in the distance with Challaborough in between

Rock Cottage at Ringmore

The way back to Kingston

The footpath was either side of this lovely garden
We will walk from Challaborough to Bigbury another time!  The hot weather does make a difference to energy levels!  Anyway, Dave's pedometer recorded 11000 so that's over 5 miles we think!

1 comment:

  1. Hot weather is draining - one should only be sitting drinking iced Pimms on such days.
    Stunning beach views.
    XXX Mandy=O)
