Saturday 9 July 2011

Plymbridge woods - Friday 8th July 2011

Dave, Bec, Bob and 1 had a quick walk down to Plymbridge after tea.

We had a good look through the National Trust telescopes at the Peregrine Falcon.

2 Falcons can be seen through the telescope.

On the way back to the car, we read a notice that subject to planning permission, the National Trust intend to build a cafe in the field.  as the railway enthusiasts are extending the Plym Valley railway this would be a good move, we think.


  1. I'm not so sure a Cafe is a good idea. The Litter left behind by visitors to Plymbridge is not good I can only see a Cafe will make it worse.
    People need to get out and exercise and whilst I love the train now arriving at Plymbridge, this I feel will add to laziness. A ride to the river, get out eat a pie and a train home = getting lardy.
    I love Plymbridge especially when its wet and few people are around, the wild life in and around Plymbridge needs our protection not exploitation.On a lighter note I love your web page.

  2. Hi Puddlejumper, yes I agree, there are good and bad sides to a cafe. I walked there on easter sunday and was dismayed to see so many people there. It is an unspoilt place atm. maybe a cafe would just keep people in the field and not venture into the woods too far, as well as raising funds for NT??
    glad you like my page. have you seen my other blogs too? via my profile?? Teresa

  3. A cafe could well mean that someone would be keeping a close eye on the area, especially litter-wise. I am sure the Nat trust would do a sympathetically designed one.
    We loved to go to Plymbridge in the winter - it was our Christmas day walk.
    XXX Mandy =O)
