Monday 2 February 2015

Sheeptor, Dartmoor - Sunday 1st February 2015

New year, new walks!  You would think that the walks in this blog pretty much covers the whole of Dartmoor!  However, there are still lots of places to explore, so this year I will try and share them here.

One Tor I have been trying to get to, is Sheepstor.  At last I have found a way by going to Burrator Reservoir, over the bridge and parking about half way along the road.  A bridlepath leads up to the Tor.  There must have been snow on the moors the night before, as it was crisp and fresh, cold but clear and sunny.

Quite an easy walk up to the Tor, then a clamber over rocks to get to the top.  What a view from here!  Burrator, Princetown mast, Leather Tor and even a glimpse of the sound!

The Bridle path leading up onto the Moors

Post at the bottom on the Tor


Burrator Reservoir from the top of Sheepstor

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