Saturday 30 April 2011

Sharkham Point to Man Sands, Brixham - 30th April 2011

Quite a difficult place to find, among the narrow streets of Upper Brixham.  Eventually, along a long lane, the car park was revealed.  The weather was wet when we arrived but after lunch, it cleared and we ventured out. We walked along the coastpath from Sharkham Point, Southdown Cliff and then a steep cliff down to  Mansands. Unfortunately, there was a lot of japanese knot weed, and we were alarmed to see swathes had been cut down as it had blocked the footpath.  Hopefully the gardener knows what it is!!

St Mary's Bay with Mussel Rock

Sharkham Point

Sharkham Point

Caterpillars hatching.  but what will they become???

New type of letterboxing via phone apps!!
An exceptionally steep cliff down to the beach.  we were so glad we were walking this way round.


National Trust created this 2.5 acre wetland area opposite the beach

From here we seemed to take a wrong turn and ended up at Woodhuish Farm with a cidermaking barn 

Down another really steep field, we crossed a bridge and found ourselves on a footpath bordered by wild garlic.
The footpaths inland and upwards were tough going, but eventually we found Southdown Cross and Yards Lane, skirting a holiday camp, back to the car park

Car park at Sharkham Point

The walk was about 4 miles, quite steep in places, and half of it along roads or lanes.

1 comment:

  1. See you all swapped short sleeves for coats on this walk -Hey nonny
